
ACDC Metals Ltd - RIU Sydney Resources Round-up 2024

Vertical Events & RIU Conferences May 9, 2024 9:41 am

ACDC Metals One year since listing on the ASX

ACDC Metals Ltd January 17, 2024 11:48 am

ACDC Metals Announcement Video

NWR Communications February 21, 2023 2:08 pm

Key Highlights: • Maiden JORC compliant Mineral Resource of 122 million tonnes @ 3.4% total heavy mineral (THM) and 1013 ...

Key Highlights:

• Maiden JORC compliant Mineral Resource of 122 million tonnes @ 3.4% total heavy mineral (THM) and 1013 ppm total rare earth oxide (TREO) at a 2% THM cut off.
• Higher grade resource of 28 million tonnes @ 4.0% THM (Indicated).
• Very high value mineral suite: 24% Zircon, 9% Rutile, 3.7% Monazite, 0.4% Xenotime (3.0% TREO) and 35% Ilmenite + Leucoxene.
• Opportunity to upgrade and include the 20 – 38µm fine fraction into future resource calculations.
• Resource open to the north, south and west.
• Additional aircore drilling planned to commence in 2024 for resource extension.
• Scoping Studies underway for Goschen Central Project and downstream rare earth processing plant; results expected later this year.

ACDC Metals Limited (ASX: ADC) (“ACDC Metals” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce a maiden JORC compliant Mineral Resource for the Goschen Central project in western Victoria. The Resource is the result of aircore drilling undertaken throughout 2022 and 2023. This is the first resource calculated across ACDC Metals’ multi-project 2,536 km2 Murray Basin land tenement package, and sets the stage for resource growth and economic studies at the Goschen Central project. In addition, the exploration potential at the Watchem and Douglas Projects continues to be tested.

The Goschen Central deposit remains open in multiple directions and ACDC Metals anticipates resource growth following extension drilling in 2024. The Mineral Resource details are outlined in Table 1.

CEO Tom Davidson commented:

“Our maiden Mineral Resource marks another key milestone for ACDC Metals, and it is very satisfying to share this with our investors and supporters. The estimate shows a significant and large deposit with a high value mineral assemblage; in particular the zircon, monazite and TREO grades. The Goschen Central project has potential to support a multi-decade operation and be a significant project for the domestic supply of critical minerals. The project aligns well with peer projects in the region and shows the value in Murray Basin.

We look forward to getting underway with the next round of drilling, and our team on the ground are preparing to further extend grade and confidence. We remain confident that we can build on this maiden resource.”

Please refer to ASX release dated 8 November 2023 for complete information and Competent Person Statement for this announcement

We refer shareholders and interested parties to the website where they can access the most recent corporate presentation, video interviews and other information.

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YouTube Video UCXiE3GJ4vjXffQHuVl93qEA_CPqueLUnmyc

ACDC Metals declares Maiden JORC Resource delivering 122M Tonnes @ 3.4% THM at Goschen Central

ACDC Metals Ltd November 8, 2023 12:42 pm

ACDC Metals Ltd

June 27, 2023 12:39 am


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